Draft Agreement of the Withdrawal

The draft agreement of the withdrawal outlines the terms of the United Kingdom`s divorce from the European Union. It is a legally binding document that the UK and EU negotiated for over two years. The draft agreement is divided into four key sections: separation issues, citizens` rights, the transition period, and the future relationship between the UK and EU.

Separation Issues

The separation issues section of the draft agreement outlines how the UK and EU will divide their assets and liabilities. This includes the division of EU property, financial commitments, and pension liabilities. In addition, it covers the UK`s responsibility to pay its share of the EU budget until 2020.

Citizens` Rights

The citizens` rights section of the draft agreement ensures that EU citizens living in the UK and UK citizens living in the EU will retain their rights after the UK leaves the EU. This includes the right to work, study and receive healthcare. The rights of family members, including spouses, children and parents, are also protected.

Transition Period

The draft agreement establishes a transition period that will last until December 31, 2020. During this period, the UK will continue to follow EU rules and regulations while negotiating a new relationship with the EU. This will allow individuals and businesses to adjust to the new reality of the UK`s departure from the EU.

Future Relationship

The final section of the draft agreement outlines the framework for the future relationship between the UK and EU. This includes areas such as trade, security, and cooperation on foreign policy. Negotiations on this future relationship will continue after the UK leaves the EU.

Overall, the draft agreement of the withdrawal is an important document that outlines the terms of the UK`s departure from the EU. It provides clarity and certainty for citizens and businesses, as well as a roadmap for negotiations on future relations between the UK and EU. As the negotiations continue, it is important to remember that this draft agreement is just a starting point and that many changes may occur before a final agreement is reached.