Square Merchant Services Agreement

The Square Merchant Services Agreement – Understanding the Fine Print

If you`re looking for a way to process payments for your business, Square Merchant Services is a popular choice. But before you sign up, it`s essential to understand what you`re getting into.

One crucial step is to read and understand the Square Merchant Services Agreement, the contract between Square and its merchants. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions that govern your use of Square`s payment processing services. Here`s what you need to know.

What Is the Square Merchant Services Agreement?

The Square Merchant Services Agreement is a binding legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of using Square`s payment processing services. Before you can start using Square, you must agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this agreement.

What Does the Agreement Cover?

The Square Merchant Services Agreement covers various topics, including:

– Fees: This section outlines the various fees that Square charges for its payment processing services. It includes the transaction fee, chargeback fee, and refund fee, among others.

– Payment Processing: This section explains how Square processes payments and what you need to do to ensure successful transactions.

– Reserve: Square may hold a portion of your funds in reserve to protect against chargebacks, disputes, or other issues. This section outlines how reserves work and how they can impact your business.

– Dispute Resolution: This section outlines the dispute resolution process in case of a disagreement between you and Square.

– Termination: This section explains the conditions under which Square may terminate your account and how you can terminate your account if necessary.

– Security: This section outlines the measures Square takes to protect your business and customers` data.

– Representations and Warranties: This section outlines the responsibilities and obligations of both you and Square under the agreement.

Why Is It Important to Review the Agreement Carefully?

It`s crucial to review the Square Merchant Services Agreement carefully before signing up for Square. Here are some reasons why:

– Understanding the Fees: Square charges various fees for its payment processing services. Understanding these fees can help you calculate your costs and avoid surprises.

– Knowing Your Rights and Responsibilities: The agreement outlines your rights and responsibilities as a Square merchant. Knowing these can help you avoid issues and protect your business.

– Clarifying the Dispute Resolution Process: In case of a disagreement, the agreement outlines the dispute resolution process. Knowing this process can help you resolve issues more efficiently.

– Protecting Your Business: The agreement outlines the security measures that Square takes to protect your business and customers` data. Understanding these measures can give you peace of mind.


As with any legal contract, it`s crucial to understand the Square Merchant Services Agreement before you sign up for Square. By reviewing the agreement carefully, you can avoid surprises, protect your business, and ensure that you`re getting the services you need at a fair price.